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Learn about the principles of design that can be applied to any project you’re working on. Often, projects don’t have the budget to bring in a graphic designer, but with this course, you’ll learn how a graphic designer thinks, tools they use, and how you can apply this to your own work.

By the end of the course, you won’t be thinking just about how to make something look pretty, but how you can direct your audience’s attention to where you need them to look. This is the... Details
When: November 4 – December 2, 2024
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This asynchronous 6-week course presents more advanced concepts to TC practitioners who may still be within their first three years in the profession. It covers topics that are beyond the scope of TechComm Fundamentals Bootcamp, and is particularly useful for people who have completed the Bootcamp course. This course covers the following topics to help you enrich and develop your TC career: managing projects, glossaries and teferences, advanced deliverables (white papers, application ... Details
When: October 28 – December 9, 2024
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Visually communicating information means paying attention to all the details for this best user engagement. Find out how to do so in this webimar and reap the benefits of better, stronger, information visualizations.

When: October 23, 2024
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Grammar. Just the word is enough to cast a chill over many TechComm writers. Yet grammar isn't a set of arbitrary rules. It's a way to ensure that readers comprehend your meaning without confusion or distraction. Proper grammar is also a doorway: If you write in Standard English, employers are more likely to hire and promote you. In this course you learn to avoid common errors and gain confidence in your ability to produce engaging, grammatically correct... Details
When: October 10–31, 2024
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Technical communication is an exciting and challenging career that offers unlimited opportunity for professional development. But to succeed, it's not enough to learn a desktop publishing or Help authoring tool-you need to master the analysis process. This is a thinking person's dream career! TechComm Fundamentals Bootcamp is the fastest, most efficient way to jump-start your career in technical communication. It covers key theory that you can immediately apply to your work, as well ... Details
When: October 7 – November 25, 2024
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This course will introduce you to the basics of markup with HTML and scripting with CSS. It will cover coding strategies, working with text editors, and the basics of publishing hand-coded content. You will learn how to build tables and forms using HTML, developing stylesheets and layouts with CSS, and strategies for integrating HTML and CSS in managing and publishing professional Web content.

When: October 1–22, 2024
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This one day certification preparatory course provides an overview of the Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) Foundation level exam offered through STC and AMPG International. This course will help you prepare for the Foundation level exam, providing a detailed review of each of the nine core competencies (project planning, project analysis, content development, organizational design, visual communication, written communication, reviewing and editing, content... Details
When: September 23, 2024
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Effectively managing a technical communcation group involves three sets of skills: buisness management, people management, and project management. This program addresses people management skills. Effective people management specifically involves clearly communicating expectations regarding a job, effectively evaluating performance, and developing the careers of the staff. This program helps you develop these skills. This program does so through a combination of discovery exercises... Details
When: August 22 – September 5, 2024
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This one-day certification preparatory course provides an overview of the Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) exam offered through STC and AMPG International. This course will help you prepare for the Practitioner level exam, providing an overview of the nine core competencies, and four specialization areas (project planning and analysis, visual communication, content development and organization, and writing and editing strategies) covered by the exam. Additionally, ... Details
When: August 12, 2024
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This four-week course will provide students with an overview of the syntax, methods, and commonly used tools in developing XML documents and integrating basic stylesheets. The course will also introduce students to readings, resources, and tools available to help develop basic XML coding skills through individual practice.

The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the wide range of skills, methods, and techniques used basic content markup... Details
When: August 7–24, 2024