Pushing Branches With Forks and Feats of Strength With Git

Pushing Branches With Forks and Feats of Strength With Git
ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR THIS WEBINAR IS NOW CLOSED. If you would still like to register, contact Deborah Krat (deborah.krat@stc.org). Git is a popular version control system, both within GitHub and on its own. When documentation source files are stored in Git alongside code, you’ll follow a similar workflow to engineers, which can simultaneously streamline and complicate the development of technical content. In this webinar, we’ll look at Git and GitHub, talk about how it can be used to your advantage, and have a live demonstration. What we’ll cover: Understanding the layers of Git and GitHub • Too many ways of working Terminology • How to get confused in 3 easy steps. Basic workflow “I wasted n hours fixing a git problem” • tips to avoid landmines Positives and negatives of Git in a documentation workflow.
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