2021 STC CAA Application Update

2021 STC CAA Application Update
Please join us on August 24 (2:00-3:00 PM EDT) for a webinar to discuss the 2021 Community Achievement Award (CAA) Application. The CAA recognizes a SIG COP, professional, or student chapter's outstanding accomplishments in achieving the Society's goals through a wide range of programs and activities. All communities are encouraged to apply. Year over year, the CAA and Pacesetter Awards Committee strives to ensure the activities on the CAA application are both meaningful for communities and relevant in helping to further the goals of the Society. In that spirit, there have been a number of revisions to the CAA application this year. In this webinar, Alison Phillips, chair of the 2020-2021 CAA/Pacesetter Award Committee, will highlight what is new on the 2021 CAA application, provide some tips for preparing your community's application, and will answer your questions. Alison will also introduce the 2021-2022 committee chair. We look forward to your participation in this interactive ses

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